Friday, November 3, 2023

my top 5 amazing freelancing tips

my top 5 amazing freelancing tips

just for you let's get started hey what's going on guys thank

you for the simple snippets and welcome to my blog today I'm going to be writing about five amazing freelancing tips just for you. so I've been getting a

lot of questions about how to go about freelancing what is freelancing how to

start off and how to get your very first project especially. if you're a beginner in computer science or information technology

so in this blog, I'm gonna be giving you five amazing tips that I believe I have followed throughout my freelancing time

and this will surely help you especially if you're a beginner especially if you're a computer science student

so let's get started

Just Start
so the first tip is just start man just start now hearing this you'll be like wow then my wow what an amazing tip just start we didn't know about this year so just hear me out before you actually hit in the
comments and write all those hate comments just hear me out let me explain what I mean by just starting so when I say just start what I'm trying to say is even if you're a beginner it is not
important that you are a master of a particular technology if you're getting into it let's take an example of web development even if you have very basics of web development let's say you just studied the basics of HTML CSS and javascript and if you're wondering whether you are not ready enough whether you're not perfect enough whether you are not mastered that com particular technology or language then I'm really
gonna tell you one thing if you're gonna be running behind perfection at a very beginner's level then you'll never start freelancing you'll always be underconfident and thinking okay I'm not really sure I'm not really prepared and that thought will procrastinate your freelancing so what I'm trying to say is just start off with whatever knowledge you have and then you can build on top of it so to clear this out let me give you my the example itself when I first started off my first project was a portfolio website for a fashion designer and my friend had approached him so he came in via some contact and he wanted a portfolio website wherein he was going to be uploading this photoshoot images every week every
month and it was a dynamic website we did not know anyone about dynamic websites so after our bachelor's we started off with a little bit of web development so we learned a little bit of HTML a little bit of CSS javascript just by YouTubing just googling and we were confident enough that we can
build a static portfolio website but we did not know how to go about a dynamic website wherein the user is going to put a lot of content every week right so what we did is we literally took that order we I guess charged him around 5000 rupees money was not our primary criteria back then and what we did is we came home and we googled out and we came across this concept of WordPress so WordPress is a content management system and I'm not gonna get into a lot of detail but basically what it does is it
gives you a dynamic template wherein you can drag and drop pages drag and drop posts and create dynamic stuff so it's built on top of PHP we started learning PHP a little bit because we did not have it in our curriculum and we got the basics we learned wordpress we literally took that order before even like being sure that we can do it or not you know we just did it and then after we learned wordpress we actually made that website we deployed it and it worked out pretty well so when I see just do it i literally mean you don't have to be an expert in any kind of domain so this was just a web development let's say you're getting into software or Android app development or anything you know you don't have to be an expert you just need to start so yeah that was tip number one just start let's move on to tip number two Start with your contacts now tip number two is to start off with your contacts so now you're all hyped up you're all pumped up you're like okay I'm gonna start I'm gonna start and
you're all excited about this but you're like okay so where do I get my first contact where do I get my first business where do I get my first freelance order right so the best way to start off is to start off from your contacts from your family from your friends from your mutual friends and long-distance family members whoever have a business now the reason why you should start off with your family and
your friends is because the level of risk is low you know so when you are approaching a random person
the risk of you making a mistake in the project is very you know the stakes are high so let's say your relative or your uncle is having a business your uncle is a chartered accountant this is just an
example let's say he's a chartered accountant and he has his own firm you can approach him and you can tell him that you're into web development and you want to develop a website for his firm
and that you will take so and so amount of time and probably you want to charge or not i would not recommend that you charge for the first time especially if he or she is your family member but then you can do it if you feel I'm not saying that you should not charge but yeah the stakes will be very
less you know the risk will be very less because he or she is your family member or he or she is a friend right so even if you make a mistake even if the time gets delayed you can still get off easily you know if you're doing it for a stranger, then you can get into some trouble right so the best way to start off is to start off with your friends and trust me guys a lot of your friends a lot of your family members definitely must be having some kind of business for which you can develop a software for which you can develop an application for which you can develop a website and what not you know so it can be pretty much everything and anything so just start off with your contacts that are the tip number two let's move on to the next
Team up


tip number three tip number three is you need to team up you need to collaborate you need to partner up
so now you are pumped up you are excited you are ready to make your first move into the freelancing world and you've also figured out that you're going to be starting off with your contacts with your relatives or maybe your own parents business let's say but now you're wondering okay you still lack that little bit of confidence so the best way to overcome that to partner up with some of your friend who is like-minded so let's say you want to get into web development and you want to develop a website for your own family let's say your dad or mom has some business and you want to develop a website for that um let's take an example of let's say your mom or dad is a dentist or a doctor and he or she has her own clinic so you want to develop a website for that clinic you know so what you can do is you can approach your friend who is also into web development and you can tell him that hey man you know what I'm trying to develop this website let's do it together and the biggest advantage of this is that you will have one more smart mind working on the project you know so when you have one more or more
than one mind working on a project there is a lot of knowledge transfer that is happening between the two let's say you are stuck at some module maybe your friend can resolve that and vice versa you know maybe he or she is stuck at some problem and you can resolve it so the speed of the development of projects the  increases and the success rate also increases and you learn a lot from your friends
and one more amazing thing that you learn is you learn how to perform teamwork you know so when you are actually completing your educational  career and when you start off with your corporate career you're gonna be working in teams right that's obvious because it's not about individuals it's about

team when you work in a corporate environment and the best example and the best experience that you can get is by freelancing and collaborating with others so teaming up is really really important it will also boost your confidence because then you can divide the risk you can divide the work among members of your partners and that will give you a little bit more confidence so
that's tip number three moving on to tip
Get Social
number four tip number four is sort of something that is not really essential but it will definitely help you when you want to outgrow your business when you want to outgrow your freelancing projects tip number four is to get social when I say get social what I mean you need to be a little bit active
on digital media that is the social media platforms you need to create a Facebook page you need to create an Instagram page you need to create a small blog or a website if you want but I would really recommend this because creating these social media pages will help you grow more than your friends
more than your family right it will help you reach out to the entire world and I have noticed that there is a lot of negativity at times when it comes to social media people say that you get addicted to Facebook you get addicted to Instagram but you know what the irony is the people who complain about all these
social media platforms are also complaining about these social media platforms itself so instead of
talking negatively about all these social media platforms how about you try to utilize them you know so even YouTube is a social media platform where I make these informational videos you watch a lot of
informational content you get a lot of knowledge of social media actually so you need to use it positively for your benefit in a positive way and not take it negatively so yes being social is very important you might get your next project the next freelance order right from the social media platforms as you move ahead you know so once you've exhausted your list of contacts once you've
exhausted all the list of family members you can actually go social you can promote your pages promote your work online and that will really help you a lot and create a digital identity on social media creating a website creating a blog creating a page gives it a professional look and you can showcase
your work there also so this was tip number four let's move on to the last Tip Now the last tip is sort of like my Jack of all personal opinion personal advice personal suggestion it's not exactly a tip but it will surely help you if you're a beginner now the tip is you need to be a jack of all and king of none so what do I mean by jack of all and king of none so when you're starting off with your freelance career I am assuming that you are a college student you're an i.t student and you haven't really gotten into the corporate world so you don't have a lot of experience so when this is the case I would suggest you guys that you try out a lot of different technologies rather than sticking to one particular technology okay so let's say you want to become a master of PHP and you're like okay I'm gonna do web development and
I'm only gonna stick to PHP but you know that technology keeps on changing a lot of things become obsolete and new technologies keep on coming right so what if PHP gets outdated what
are you gonna do right instead of that how about you first start off with php then try a little bit of as well then get into javascript this was for web development let's say maybe you hop into Android development mobile apps let's say you hop into software development C-sharp or java software apps and whatnot you know you need to diversify yourself I need to be having knowledge about each and everything little bit at least the fundamentals so what I'm trying to say you don't have to be a master of one particular technology at least at a beginner's level but you need to know a
lot of things at least at the fundamental level so this reduces the risk what if tomorrow one thing gets
outdated you can easily switch to another thing right and it's always good to have a  lot of knowledge so after you complete your college you will be getting into corporate scenarios and in that, you will be obviously working on one particular technology right so it's always good to have a lot of technology
background that is a variety of technologies of background so then you can make a switch between your jobs also if you have worked on different technologies you can easily make that switch so this is always advisable and it's not necessary you can always master one particular technology at a beginner's level, i would notsuggest that because personally I never did that so what I did is I started off with web development with PHP then i
shifted to a little bit of ASP i also did software development windows form application development using C-sharp i was not into Java much but later on I also moved on to Android app development so mobile app development was under my hood so a lot of things I have tried out
and I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna be a master of one particular thing I'm still not actually but I do know a lot of things at a basic level at a fundamental level so that I can always switch between them depending on what
technology is relevant so yeah these


were my five tips for starting off with freelancing I hope these were very informational to you if you feel that this blog is helpful for you to share it with your friends maybe it will help They also definitely share it with anyone who wants to get into freelancing but does not have that confidence and needs some important tips these really are very helpful for beginners because these are tried and tested by me myself these are my personal opinions I'm pretty sure these will help you a lot and if you like this blog please give it's a thumbs up let me know in the comments on how this blog was if you have any suggestions on freelancing if you have any queries you can always put them in the comments, you can ask me on social media like Instagram or Facebook pretty active i respond to almost all of your comments so let me know in the comments on how this blog was if you need any more such kind of blog if you need any more tips if you need any elaboration do let me know I'll pretty much try to answer them all so that's it for this blog guys, this is Tanmay supply signing off for simple snippetsand I'll see you guys in the next blog


Thanks for reading.

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